

Trace your long lost root. Find your forefathers, who collectively creates a tapestry of fascinating family history.

Family search is a tailor-made tool to trace your long lost roots, to know your unknown family history, to find forgotten family heroes. It is completely free of cost service.

We check people's records to provide an opportunity to delve deep into your own family heirloom, to preserve the family history for your posterity. Peoplechecker helps you to trace your origin, which is so important to throw some light into your glorious past and to establish your own unique identity.

Peoplechecker aims at creating an opportunity for you to learn, record and preserve your family history which can strengthen your present and inspire you to do great in future. Moreover, Peoplechecker can inspire future generations to have a stellar life. It is free for unlimited access to the historical data.

As we check people's records, we bridge your past with your future. Since families keep moving from one place to another, often from one continent to another, you might be delighted to trace your multilingual family background spanning across continents. Your past is a solid bedrock of your present standing. It is also a story of a great struggle, resilience, evolution which creates an unparalleled family lore.

Peoplechecker also helps one to find missing members of the family who everyone in your family wants to connect with, irrespective of their geographical locations.

Takeaways for you
  • Trace your root
  • Look back at your heirloom
  • Reunite with your long lost relative
  • Stumble upon your forgotten family hero
  • Track down fascinating family secret
  • Get to know about unheard of family struggles and triumphs.
  • Know how widely your family is spread out across the globe.
  • Preserve your family history for progeny